Subscribe to the official T.D. Jakes Ministries channel to stream our latest messages, your favorite sermons from over the years, and much more. If you’d like to continue to feed your soul, don’t forget to watch “A Moment with T.D. Jakes,” now available to watch on Amazon Freevee!
Message: A Bold Move
Scripture: 1 Samuel 10:19-27 (KJV)
Speaker: Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
Subscribe to the official T.D. Jakes Ministries channel to stream our latest messages, your favorite sermons from over the years, and much more. If you’d like to continue to feed your soul, don’t forget to watch “A Moment with T.D. Jakes,” now available to watch on Amazon Freevee!
Message: A Bold Move
Scripture: 1 Samuel 10:19-27 (KJV)
Speaker: Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts