BIBLE TEXT: Proverbs 20:29

Youth is the time of life when one is young. A time between childhood and adulthood and the glory of young man is their strength. It is a time to take many crucial decisions in life like career, marriage and settlement. It’s a time that a young fellow need to travail in prayers to be able to achieve his destiny and live a fulfilled life.

  1. Father, God, thank You for Your unfailing love, blessings and goodness upon our youth in Jesus name. – Ps.103:1-5
  2. Father, please increase the faith of all our youth in You, in Jesus name. – Luk 17:5
  3. Father, please guide and protect our young people from the path of destruction and deliver them from the spirit of worldliness, in Jesus name. – Psa. 32:8
  4. Father, please, every battle acquired from birth that is affecting our youth, be
    destroyed, in Jesus name. – Joh 9:1-9
  5. Father, please endow all our youth with power from on high in Jesus name. – Luke 24:49
  6. Father, please, as David defeated Goliath in his days let all our youth defeat every Goliath assigned against them in Jesus name. – 1Sam 17:46-52
  7. Father, please satisfy the youth with every good thing of life in Jesus name. – Psa. 103:5
  8. Father, please destroy every spirit of weariness and tiredness in the life of our
    youth in Jesus name. – Isa 40:30-31
  9. Father, please release Your divine strength upon our youth, in Jesus name. – Isa.40:31
  10. Father, please I retrieve back my glory from the hand of household and territorial enemies, in Jesus name. – Isa.22:22-24
  11. Father, please help our youth to obey and work for You at this young age, in
    Jesus name. – Lam. 3:27
  12. Father, please make our youth relevant in their generation, in Jesus name. – Ps.71:7
  13. Father, please deliver all our youth from the hand of the wicked, the unrighteous and cruel men of this world, in Jesus name. – Psa. 71:4
  14. Father, please destroy every spirit of defilement among our youth, in Jesus
    name. – 2Sam.13:10-14
  15. Father, as Your wind blows this year, please cloth all our youth with the garment of humility, in Jesus name. – 1Pet 5:5

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